Episcopal Church
Albuquerque, NM
Formation Class Schedule
Homelessness, Affordable Housing, and Our Christian Response
(adults and youth ages 16+)
Sunday, March 5, 12, 19, 26 from 11:15 - 12:15
Facilitators: Richard Meadows
In person (Parish Hall)
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells us when we feed, clothe, and visit the poor we are serving Him. Our baptismal covenant states we will “respect the dignity of every human being.” For this four-week class during Lent we will read Grace Can Lead Us Home and hear from homeless advocates in the diocese and city government. We will explore our individual and collective response to needs in the community and what it means to experience Christ in serving the homeless.
Book Required: Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian call to end homelessness, by Kevin Nye (we have preordered several books for this class)
Surprise Saints
Biblical Storytelling (adults and youth ages 12+)
Sundays at 11:15 a.m. (ongoing)
Facilitators: Harriet Cole
In Person (Library)
Join St. Mark’s member Harriet Cole for this eight-session introduction to the art of learning, telling, and listening to sacred stories. From winter through spring, we will be focusing on surprise saints:
19-Mar Thomas Cramner
26-Mar Fifth Sunday
2-Apr Palm Sunday
9-Apr Easter Sunday
16-Apr Matthias Chosen Acts 1:12-26
23-Apr The Apostles Persecuted Acts 5:17--42
30-Aor Fifth Sunday
7-Mav Paul's Conversion Acts 9:1-19
14-May Peter's Miraculous Escape from Prison Acts 12:1-19
​Drop-ins welcome.
Worship in the Wilderness
Saturday, March 25 at 10:00 a.m.
Facilitators: Carolyn Huff
One day only - In Person
Meet at the Volcanoes Trailhead at Petroglyph National Monument just off Atrisco Vista Blvd.
Friends, dogs (on leash) and kids all welcome! We will stop along the three-mile hike to celebrate Holy Communion as we remember Jesus 40 days in the wilderness, our Lenten model.
Contact Carolyn Huff (610) 612-7357 with any questions.
Contemplative Prayer: An Intoduction
A Way to Companionship with God and the True Self
(adults and youth ages 16+)
Begins Saturday, February 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and
Five Mondays, February 27, March 6, 20, 27 & April 3 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Facilitators: Rev. Michael Jupin
In person
In contemplative prayer (meditation in the East) one uses some means (a word, phrase, image, breathing, etc.) to quiet the mind so that eventually thoughts disappear, and one sits in silence. The silence provides an empty space in which we can be present to the every-present God. This is the crucial underlying intent at the heart of all prayer: to be present to and know communion with God. In this silent communion, over time and with consistent practice, the person at prayer receives all things from God: guidance, instruction, healing, forgiveness, etc. In a word the person receives her or his very self in God, what Thomas Merton and Richard Rohr have called the “True Self,” the person who God created and the only person who God knows.
This form of prayer will be introduced in six sessions. The first session, Saturday, February 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (bring a brown bag lunch) provides an important foundation for the following five ninety-minute sessions on Mondays, February 27, March 6, 20, 27 & April 3 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Each session includes an introduction to and practice of a particular way or means for entering into silence followed by small and total group discussion and response.
The Saturday session is required for participation in the following Monday meetings. While not required, it is very much hoped that each participant will commit themselves to all the sessions as part of their Lenten discipline.
Note: To those who already have a contemplative prayer practice please know you are invited and welcome to participate in this introduction as a way of being part of a weekly group and Lenten discipline. You may “try” the practices Fr. Michael will lead or spend your silent time with your own practice.
Registration is closed.
Since 1979, Fr. Michael has led over five hundred people in learning and practicing contemplative prayer. First studying with the Rev. Ron del Bene, he received an STM in Spiritual Direction from the General Theological Seminary in New York City in 1986. He also completed training in the Group Leaders’ Program of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, Bethesda, MD, in 1992.
Book Study: The Place of the Lion
Begins Sunday, March 5 from 11:15-12:15
Facilitators: Rev. Rob Clarke
In person (Classroom #3)
(please obtain your own book prior to the first class)
Long before The Lion King, long before The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, there was The Place of the Lion. Charles Williams, while not an Oxford don, was a member of the Inklings and his writings influenced the works of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, and Owen Barfield as well as many others. While not a Christian allegory it contains many of the themes that are encountered in a spiritual journey. Come join me, during Lent, as we read our way through this seminal work in what has become an important genre.
Godly Play (ages ~3+)
Sundays at 11:15 a.m.
Facilitator: Mother Sylvia Miller-Mutia+
Join us for a wonder-filled and wonderful hour of storytelling, wondering, and independent exploration & creative response. Godly Play is a Montessori-based approach to supporting the spiritual growth of children that is spacious, contemplative, and open-ended, while grounded in the Sacred Stories of the Christian Tradition. Contact us here with questions. Registration encouraged.
Please click here to register.
Drop-ins welcome.
Stories of the Hebrew Bible (ages ~8+)
Sundays at 11:15 a.m.
Facilitators: Heather Gaume & Deacon David Martin+
We will dive into the Hebrew scriptures and learn about God’s faithful people – how they listened to God’s word and did their best to follow God’s laws. We’ll listen, talk, play and create to make the stories come alive. Contact us with questions. Registration encouraged.
Please click here to register.
Drop-ins welcome.
Holy Troublemakers (ages ~11+)
Sundays at 11:15 a.m.
Facilitators: Rachel Ribeiro & Deacon David Martin+
We’ll study the lives of a variety of people from different faiths and backgrounds who have worked tirelessly to bring God’s love to all people. Sometimes, their efforts are met with skepticism and derision for not following the norm. We’ll learn to be Holy Troublemakers, too. Contact us for more details or questions.
Please click here to register.
Drop-ins welcome.
Thursday Bible Study
Thursdays at Noon - Hybrid (in person and virtual)
Facilitator: Sylvia Miller-Mutia+
Join an open-minded, open-hearted group of spiritual seekers on Thursdays at Noon (in St. Mark’s Chapel and on Zoom). In the fall, we will continue our “deep dive” exploration of the Beatitudes. In the winter, we’ll turn our focus to the Gospel of Matthew. Contact us with questions.
Drop-ins welcome.
Midweek Morning Prayer & "Video Visits"
Wednesdays at 8 a.m. (Mountain Time)
Facilitator: Sylvia Miller-Mutia+
Join us on Zoom here (online only)
Join Mother Sylvia on Wednesdays (on Zoom) for midweek morning prayer and conversation. We'll begin with morning prayer, view a weekly video update from our bishop, and enjoy a little conversation before we tackle the rest of our day! Feel free to drop in for the whole hour or for any portion thereof!
8 a.m. Morning Prayer
8:20 View Weekly “Video Visit” from Bishop Hunn
8:40 Conversation
8:55 Closing
Drop-ins welcome.
Vocations Course on Zoom with DRG
(for adults)
Wednesdays ​(3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29), 6-7:30 p.m. on Zoom
Facilitators: Diocese of the Rio Grande
online only
Join others from throughout the Diocese to learn more about how God is calling YOU–and people in every order of ministry (laity, deacons, and priests) in the Church and the World.